I finished NaNoWriMo, whoohoo!

To put a slightly more relevant spin on it, that is a good thing because the basic framework for the story is finished. It's going to require one hell of a total rewrite before it's ready for public viewing, and I'm rather tired of it at the moment and so won't be taking an axe to it until January at the earliest, but hopefully it shouldn't be too difficult and I'll be able to start posting the story sometime next year.

You've probably noticed the two new layouts. Actually, they aren't "new" at all; they were the first two layouts I was working on when redesigning the entire site, but I swapped the colors and images around at the last minute so that they used the more simplistic ones instead. What possessed me to do this when these two layouts are perfectly good and a little more interesting (and not as garish-looking on Macs) I do not know, but all that matters is that I got sick of the previous look and switched back to these today. They still need some minor aesthetic tweaking, but they should be entirely presentable and functional as they are now. If you experience any problems with them or something looks odd, email me and let me know so that I can fix it.

The fall quarter of school is over next week and I have a comparatively long break ahead of me until winter quarter starts in mid-January. Hopefully I'll have time to add more actual content to this place. I haven't added any right now (aside from the layouts), as my current obsession with creating fake Pokémon–and, by extension, the project site that goes with them–is eating up a lot of my attention span, but I hope to get something substantial done over the break. When I've finished the fakemon project site (who knows when that will be) I'll probably move the requested fakemon over there, but they'll stay for now; I might upload some of the artwork of my own and the newer requests later, in addition to anything else I happen to finish or semi-finish.

I did add a shiny Golbat to the sparklies page, though, so if you want one then go ahead and make me an offer.