This one’s gonna be tiny, but the route actually wasn’t all that long after all and I’d rather start the city proper in its own post.


Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Back on the road, and there’s a hidden item up on this narrow ledge here.

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Hey, what’s this place?

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Out in a log cabin? That’s interesting.

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Fixed? I don’t... think I have anything that needs fixing...

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Oh! Well, that’s kind of you.

Somehow I don’t think that healing your team is the only thing this guy does, so I’ll have to keep him in mind for later!

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Finally grabbed a dimeles.

Ethereal Gates Demo 1.0 Screenshot

Oh, cool! Huh, that wasn’t all that long a route after all.

Avocet City proper coming later tonight!