Sorry I haven't done much recently; while this school quarter wasn't as bad as last one *shudder*, it still hit kind of hard in March and so I haven't had a lot of time for anything fun. I have a little less than two weeks off starting Wednesday, though, and in addition to catching up with some other stuff I have to do I promise (no, seriously you guys, hold me to this) that I will get the site moving forward with new stuff, with getting around to affiliation requests/trade offers, etc.. No progress on the interactive fiction The Thing I mentioned, but hopefully I'll have time to do more there, too; in the meantime, though, I'd like to get that other game thing I mentioned done.

The primary reason I'm posting today, though, aside from the quick apology, is to say that it appears as though my affiliate image buttons are sort-of-broken for absolutely no good reason. I have them all saved on my own server, I haven't changed the way I link to them, I can still see the images on the server/can see them if I go to them through the browser URL bar, I can show other images just fine... and I can see them in some of my browsers but not in others. I cannot even begin to fathom why this is (and it may in fact be something very easy to fix or only an isolated case on my end), but I don't have time to look into it seriously right now and so have just thrown some quick text links in next to the images. If you can see the images, oh well, they're going to have some text next to them for a bit; if you can't, now the links work and it doesn't look like the section is completely empty. Affiliates, I'm sorry if you happen to be experiencing whatever the hell problem I'm having and it looked like the buttons were down. I'll fix it as soon as I'm properly able to.