Sorry for the update drought there. School started and managed to do terrible things to me even though I only have class two days a week this quarter. At least there're only a few weeks left, bah.

Anyway. Yesterday I filled out an art meme about favorite things in Pokémon games, and I uploaded it to the fanart gallery. It's there, and you can view it, but... well, something seems to have gone horribly wrong with the gallery software. It's displaying all of the thumbnails vertically, and the lightbox script seems to have borked out completely (so you can't see the description that goes with the new image, for example). I didn't do anything to fiddle with them recently, so I have no idea what happened. The gallery and a few other things around here are due for some maintenance/updating, however, so hopefully that will fix it. I'll probably upload at least a few of the images used to fill in the meme after said fixing. (Assuming I can fix it. Because, you know, I don't know what's going on.)

I should also have two or three new free renders sometime soon. Hopefully. More substantial updates should come with the break in a little while.

EDIT: Yup, a quick update fixed everything. Business as usual on the gallery front. Sorry if it was borked for a while before I noticed.