No, really, I'm not. I'm sorry I've been gone this long; I didn't intend to be. But a long bout of "too busy to put a lot of work into the site" was followed by "okay I *can* work on the site now but I have no internet access". Admittedly the only thing I had ready to upload right away was two more pictures, but it was something. :/
Anyway, the internet at home is finally back up, but since we're having a problem with the router it's only on the main computer. All of my relevant files are on my laptop, however, and it's too much hassle to try and go back and forth between this computer and the laptop to update stuff. I apologize, but everything's going to have to wait until we have wireless internet again.
But don't despair! (haha yeah right because people actually care about this site) I haven't just been sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Okay, maybe I've wasted a lot of time playing Solitaire and Mahjong on my laptop, but I *have* done some productive stuff in addition to that. In addition to the two pictures I have ready to upload (and, depending on my drawing mood over the next few days/weeks, there might be more of those), I'm going to be finishing up another ASB-related page that should be able to go up with them. I have another one in the works, but all of my notes for that are in Google Docs and are therefore inaccessible without regular internets. Also on deck for when Regular Internets has returned is a game-related page about EV training, and depending on how things go there might be another page about Platinum's Battle Factory. There *may* also be new/updated free images and zodiac images and an update to the art page to make it more like a gallery and less like a jumbled mess, and if my resolve and self-confidence hold up and manage to chase all of the stupid ideas away there might even be a one-shot fanfic and some information about some potential projects I have planned (one of which isn't Pokémon-related, as a heads up, but the site technically isn't entirely about Pokémon anyway, so).
Now that Platinum is out in English I really ought to finish up the Platinum failblog, which I should be able to do in one or two more posts when Regular Internets comes back. My English copy of Platinum and a few other games are eating up some of my Japanese Platinum time, but I do have enough notes for at least one more post when I can get to LJ again, so there shouldn't be that long a wait.
So the two-maybe-more new pictures and the ASB page should be up as soon as my laptop is connected to the internet again. Following that I will do my very best to deliver at least some of the other stuff I mentioned, and maybe more stuff depending on my mood. (Oh, and I'll update the shiny Pokémon and TCoD ASB pages, too, if you're one of those strange people who actually finds those interesting or would like a trade.) Please bear with me just a little longer, and hopefully I'll be able to step up site activity again.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to finish the ASB page and then go lose myself in more Solitaire and Mahjong. And Platinum, and some Fire Emblem games, but mostly Solitaire and Mahjong. Later.