Hello, and happy new year! This isn't the annual resolution post or a proper content update—that'll likely fall on or around my birthday, as per usual. This is just a quick notice to say that I'm going to be making another server move very soon, possibly even starting tomorrow (Monday the 21st). I do apologize for the short notice, but my current host has made some recent changes that I'm not happy about, and I'd like to be switched over to my new host (and hopefully last for a long while) before the month ends so I don't have to pay the current provider for February.
As with any server move, there's likely to be some downtime as files and especially the domain name are switched over to the new host. This will affect Altered Origin as well as the Phoenixdex and Turquoise, but hopefully any disruption in service will be minimal.
See you all on the other side, hopefully with some new stuff in tow!