Almost two months, Phoenix? Really? For shame. And we were doing all right there for a little while, too.
Unfortunately I still don't have much in the way of new content (or that new layout); there is a new affiliate, PokEdit, down there at the bottom, though. They've got a cool online Pokémon editing app that you'll want to try out if you're into that sort of thing, so give them a look-see. Aside from that, most of my time has gone toward the Phoenixdex and one of its secret side projects, and as certain things going on with said Phoenixdex and said project are rather important they've been demanding a lot of attention. Oh, and school. School happened. Damn you, school.
The primary reason I'm updating is to let you know that there may be a little more potential downtime in the near future. I'm switching the domain name over to a different registrar (no change in the URL or anything, just the people I'm paying for it), and as with all such changes there's a chance that the site (and the Phoenixdex) may be inaccessible for a little while as everything propagates where it needs to. I'm trying to get that done immediately; I'll see if I can post again before it actually happens, though. Hopefully everything will go smoothly!
As for actual content, I have a few ideas for blog posts that I really need to get cleaned up, so at the very least I'll try and bang out one of those before my break is up.