Turns out that yes, Altered Origin and the rest of its network will be moving to another server sometime soonish.

Things that will be changing, in no particular order:

  • The current layouts will be replaced entirely. They may come back, at least in a modified form, at some unspecified point in the future, but for now I'm tired of them and I can do better. Sorry if you were madly in love with Storm at Sea or anything.
  • 649 and Insubstantiality will become part of Altered Origin proper. Neither one will be a distinct website anymore. There are multiple reasons for this change, none of which are really worth boring you fine people with. Suffice it to say that there's hardly enough on either one to justify their remaining separate and that I'd like to handle any future fanfics I post in the same manner as the 649 project. 649 will become a part of Altered Origin's fanfic section, and a new blog section will be added to keep the sort of stuff that's currently on Insubstantiality separate from the site news updates. The Phoenixdex will remain a separate website, as it can't easily be incorporated into anything else and it doesn't make sense to do so anyway.
  • The dementedchicken.net domain will no longer redirect to this site (and likewise, phoenixdex.dementedchicken.net and 649.dementedchicken.net will stop redirecting to their specific sites). alteredorigin.net and its subdomains will still work, of course, but moving means that I'll have to give up the old domain entirely and just let it die. Hopefully none of you are still accessing the sites with those domains; if you are, stop that. Really. Get used to the new domain and fix your bookmarks or whatever.

As I mentioned last update, I'd really like to get this done by December 3rd; that's not looking terribly likely at this point considering all the changes I'll have to make and the fact that I still have a lot of other work to do, though, so I'll start picking away at the workload now and see if I can't think of at least one thing to add to the site for its birthday in the meantime. Le sigh. Gotta be something interesting that I can finish up in two weeks.

I'll make another announcement whenever the move is getting closer; while the changeover should be relatively quick there will probably be downtime while the domain is pointed to the new server, so be aware of that.