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Still here!

Just letting all three of my visitors know that I'mma be changing some stuff around here. Firstly, more artwork will be put up, as I actually have a whole crapload of old stuff and even *gasp* new stuff that I have magically managed to avoid putting here.

Um and there will be some general revampage, yeah. I'm experimenting with different layouts; I've kind of wanted to do a drop-down horizontal menu for some time now, but I've gotten used to the two-column look and what I have for the current experimental drop-down is quite plain and unattractive. We'll see what I can finagle with it, but dunno. Will also probably be rewriting just about everything on the site with less stupid and, as an added bonus, more standards-compliance. Because I'm going to be studying web design and I can't allow myself to do anything less, now can I?

Might be able to do both drop-down and two-column, but dunno. That would still mean I'd need to redesign the two-column one.

Um and since the TCoD ASB is about 99% guaranteed to undergo a major overhaul of its own, that does in fact mean that I'll have to get a new team. Since I don't feel like completely nerfing all record of my previous team, though, that page stays; this means an entirely new page will be added for the new roster. When I get it. Probably won't be until around the first week of August but yeah.

Once the site looks less ugly in my eyes and there is a decent amount of organization and stuff, I'll probably start the hardcore advertising... "hardcore", of course, meaning "expending a marginal amount of effort beyond one or two signature/profile links". Yeah.

So since I'm at work right now I obviously can't upload any pictures, let alone anything else, but I'll probably get around to at least that much by the end of the day. As for the revamp... no telling when that'll happen. As per usual I'm only distracted by about fifty million shiny things, and so it'll just have to happen when it happens. :/ Look out for it, though.

...All three of you. ;)

OMG whut content? o.O

That's right, viewership that consists only of myself and maybe two other random people! I actually added stuff to make some of the emptier pages less... empty!

Firstly, I actually dug up some short Pokémon fanfics and added them to the Fiction section. They suck, but I'm kind of beyond the point where I care. THE FANFIC PAGE IS NO LONGER DEVOID OF LIFE SO THERE.

Secondly, I threw together one of those Advice Sheet majiggers. I had actually drawn a whole lot before but needed to redo them; this is the first one that's finished enough for display. After you've read this advicething I never want to see you draw an animal with sticks for legs ever again. EVER.

Oh and also it looks like I got the styleswitcher to work *knock on wood*. Haven't fixed any of the styles yet but now at least the site will remember whether you wanted to look at dcNET in garish red and white or weird black and gray!

On a more annoying note, the TCoD forums asploded and the person in charge of ASB, Negrek, told me that chances are the ASB league will be restarted. This means nothing to any of you but to me (and I'm the only one who matters, remember?) it means that most, if not all, of the beautiful Pokeymans you can see on the Mah ASB Pokeymans page are going to have to go away D: But I'm leaving the page up until I know what's going to happen for sure, so bleah.

And it's really late (early) and I should be sleeping now so good night and go away.

On the off chance that people actually visit this place…

...which I suppose a few do, given that I super-subtly showed people the zodiac images...

Anyway. New to-do list.

  1. Kill the stupid index page and replace it with this one (which isn't stupid in any way, oh, no.) (done)
  2. Kill the Ingame Pokémon page, at least until I can find a way to make it more interesting. (done)
  3. Kill the layouts. Seriously. Especially that stupid Blaziken one, which looks terrible and is in need of major revampage. Okay, maybe not "kill"; I haven't made up my mind about that just yet. But the Blaziken needs major plastic surgery LIEK NAOW. And Houndoom sort of.
  4. Maybe find out why the layouts suck in IE 5.5. Not that anyone really cares about IE 5.5 (AND IF THEY DO THEN THEY SHOULDN'T)
  5. Update my team roster for ASB (re: Frumious Bandersnatch the M stunky, Schrödinger the F meowth, Dionaea the F bulbasaur, Macronaria the F Chikorita, Gondwana the F Mudkip and Lilith's sig move, Samiel). (done)
  6. Find a better styleswitcher. Seriously. (partially done; found one on PokeNova and will try that one) (screw PokeNova's; trying A List Apart's again. Works so far, but we'll see if it remembers the cookies better than's.)
  7. Um no wait I think that's everything for now.

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All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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