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Site pages now with less stupid + new ASB reffing calcs + EDIT: New affiliate!

EDIT: ...have I ever actually had more than one thing to report in a single day before? Wow. Anyway, dcNET has its first affiliate:! In case you haven't heard of it (and if you haven't, why not?), it's a big, booming site with a lot of great content, covering Pokémon, Mario and several other topics. Among its attractions are a popular series of "Let's Play" videos and the most hardcore Pokémon fan quiz I think I've ever seen. Give them a visit if you haven't already.


First of all, I finally got around to cleaning up the last of the sitely pages that was in dire need of a makeover (under "Main" to your left). Nothing drastically new or fancy there, but now they're more up to date and I am less embarrassed to say that I wrote them.

More importantly, I've made a pretty big update to the ASB reffing calculators. They've been woefully bad (especially the energy calc) for the longest time now. I was originally just going to fix the formulas in the Instacalc calculators that were already there, but in the end I just decided to put the poor things out of their misery. I've completely redone them in Flash; they are now more intuitive, cleaner, slightly less ugly and, best of all, impossible for you to mess up by accidentally changing the name of a variable or erasing too much in one of the fields. The damage calculator is more or less the same, but I have changed the way I calculate energy so that it actually makes half an ounce of sense. If you've been using the old calculators, stop that and go play with the sexy new ones instead.

I will probably also be adding a written version of the scale to the site for reference (after all, it's not that great an idea to use a scale without knowing how it actually works).

New art and some spring cleaning

I kinda burned myself out after rushing to get the Phoenixdex open, so that's part of why there hasn't been anything new. I'm working on stuff, though. In the meantime I've added another one of those sexy pictures to the art gallery, so you can go distract yourself by staring at the pretty Lugia for a few hours.

...oh, and I added a new battlefield to the ASB Stock Arenas. I'm planning on coming up with a few more like it eventually; the idea is too much fun not to explore any further.

I've decided to put the Battle Factory page on hold for now; I'm not ditching it completely, as another new project I'm not going to tell you about could potentially make it useful, but it's officially been shoved to the back of my list of priorities so I can work on other things that are more current/relevant/um. This does include the ref guide, which I am coming to realize is slightly more relevant than I first thought it would be, but I am once again upset with the way it's structured and so will be rewriting it *again*. I'm also going to be rewriting a few of the other pages around here, like the "About" pages and what have you, so that they are less ridiculous and embarrassing. Get your laughs in now, kids, they'll be getting an overhaul soon enough.

Phoenixdex finally up + affiliation

Ohey look I finally finished that fakedex website I've been telling you about! The dcNET Phoenixdex is (and will be for a very long time) a huge work in progress, but no reason I can't show off what I've got so far, right? The link has been added to the menu as well.

In addition, I've decided to open up affiliation. On the off chance you want to see your button over there on the left and wouldn't mind advertising dcNET, well. There you go. (Yes, I know that there's no "affiliates" section on the menu right now. An empty section would look pretty stupid, don't you think? I'll add it in when I get my first affiliate.)

I still have a few days left on my break, and now that I can stop rushing through getting the Phoenixdex up I *should* have time to do some more stuff around here.

all the little things

Just a little update to let you know that I've added a second Firefox persona download to the Free Goodies page, this one based on the picture of a Jolteon in a thunderstorm you can see in the fanart gallery. Bigger and better stuff will be on its way soon, though!

Told you I’d have more to update with!

See, see? Here I am, bearing stuff and tweaks and... stuff! (And with a brand new ISP and internet access on my laptop again!)

I made a minor modification to the layout so that the content and menu don't start so far down the page. This was suggested quite some time ago, actually, but you know my track record with speedy changes. Anyway, should be less of a stretch for your eyes now.

Speaking of the layout, if you Firefox users are fond of that sexy Sceptile and would like to take it with you wherever you go on the internet, well, now you can! I've changed the name (and link, so update it if you've got it saved or something) of the Free Renders page to Free Goodies, marking a change from providing only renders to providing renders and... other stuff! Like a Sceptile Firefox persona! I'll be making a few more personas from some of my other pictures as well. Oh, and I uploaded a Salamence render to go with it.

Last up for today is two new pictures in the "Other Fandoms" section of the fanart gallery. I'm not quite ready to start the rewrite of my 2009 NaNo fanfic, Incarnadine Harvest, just yet, but while I work through the big soupy mess standing between me and the actual writing I've been working on some concept art. If you've ever wondered what Zelos Wilder or Genis Sage would've looked like if they'd been around in 1935... okay, you've probably never wondered that, but now you can go see anyway!

Over the next few weeks/months I'll also be revamping some older pages as well as working to get new stuff up here, so keep an eye out for that, too.

Phoenix out.

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Pokémon and all related properties are © Nintendo, Game Freak et al. This website may also feature content relating to other franchises and properties (e.g. the "Tales of" series, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, etc.); those properties are also © their respective owners. The Altered Origin website is the work of a fan. I do not claim ownership of or rights to any of these properties.

All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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