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little stuff while the big stuff continues to elude me

Finally got around to adding a script to handle answers to the swap meet puzzle (as opposed to the URL entry method I hacked together before); it doesn't do exactly what I wanted it to, but it works and should do a bit more to prevent cheating. I also realized that I made a few mistakes and so had to adjust a few things. If you were in the middle of solving the old version, make sure you check again to see what has changed.

...and that's pretty much all I have to say right now.

I know you don't believe me when I tell you that I'm working on those other pages, but I am! I really am D:

what what what is this

Hoo boy. Where to start...

Okay. So, as I've said several times before, I am a web design student. That's part of why I put dcNET together–so that I might improve my web design skills. Working with straight XHTML and CSS is great and all, but that's not the sort of website I'd be selling to clients. In the interest of teaching myself how to deal with content management systems and server-side scripting and all that, I'm experimenting with one of those CMSes for this website. I'd actually prefer learning to work with Python over a PHP system like this, but eh, my server is what it is and it's good to know.

That probably means absolutely nothing to most of you! But long nerd story short, that's why there's been a drastic overhaul and the URLs to the pages have changed and all that. I'm still adjusting things, making a nicer-looking layout and working out a few little oddities in the CMS's code, but it's more or less all presentable and functional. And that's not all–there's actually new content! Unfortunately it still isn't the Battle Factory, EV training and reffing pages I've been promising, but I'm going to try and finish the EV training page this weekend and I'm going to finish that damn Battle Factory research if it kills me.

No, instead I've added two other pages/sections and updated another. The fanart gallery now has thumbnails, folders and a Lightbox-style thing so that it looks nicer; there are also some new pictures (may I draw attention to the new Sceptile and Tyranitar in particular?). Unfortunately there's still some cleaning up to do–namely, I have absolutely no idea why it scatters the thumbnails all over the place when there are a lot of them, as in the Pokémon gallery, so I've got to look into that–but overall it's pretty cool.

Next, I've added a sort of... puzzle game thing. It's something I came up with years and years ago, and hopefully it's a lot more interesting and hair-tearing than it was when I was ten. It's under "The Pokémon Swap Meet" in the menu, so check it out. Hopefully it's difficult enough, heh.

Then I copied the contents of my Japanese Platinum Version blog over to the site, just in case that's easier for anyone than going through the original blog. And to kill space. It also kills space. But yeeeeah, if you missed it the first time around then go check it out, it's almost entertaining.

Speaking of game blogs, I was stupid enough to pre-order HeartGold in Japanese and will be doing it all over again. It should hopefully arrive in the middle of a decent-length break from school, so with any luck I'll be able to get farther faster this time. That'll probably end up on the site eventually, too.

So, uh, I think that's it for now. If anything's broken (aside from the invalid XHTML on the calculator and gallery pages, which is not my fault and I'm working to fix it), contact me and let me know about it. Peace out, yo.

Okay, so I don’t have the pages I *promised* you…

...but at least I do have a new page! While procrastinating late last night I found Instacalc, which may or may not be old news to most of you but is still one of the most amazing little toys I've ever found on the internet. And I hate math. It's fun to play with, and after spending some time fiddling with it I decided, for the hell of it, to whip up damage and energy calculators based on my ASB reffing scales. It's another one of those things that probably isn't very necessary right now, but it will probably come in handy if a project I'm helping ever gets off the ground. The calculators should be simple enough to use, so if you're a ref-in-training looking to get approved (or if you're just curious and want to see my reffing scale in variable and equation form) then here you go.

You'll notice that the calculator page is under a new section up there *points*. I'm going to be changing how the menu and some of the site pages are structured. This will be gradual as not everything that will be changed is ready to be changed, and I'd also like to keep the top-level menu as uncluttered as possible for you technological dinosaurs that still have tiny screen resolutions, but hopefully in the end it will be more intuitive and convenient. I may change my mind about where some things in the menu go so don't be surprised if the links move around a lot over the next fortnight or so, but I will not be changing the URLs of the pages themselves so you don't have to worry about that.

I swear to god I have not forgotten the Battle Factory, EV training and ASB reffing pages; I just haven't worked on them recently. But they WILL be up within the next few weeks or else I'll... er... have to keep working on them until they are finished.

Oh, and before I forget: shameless plug for the Kutho RPG. We have Pokémon, wanton destruction and ninjas. Really. So join now.

EDIT: Whoopsie, the energy calculator was wrong. After a series of unfortunate events involving a mistake in my math, several typos and more repetitive copy/paste than I care to think about, I have corrected it and everything should be okay now. I highly doubt that anyone who cares has seen it yet anyway, but on the off chance that you did see it and bookmarked the link to the offsite energy calculator then you'll have to update it to the new one. (To prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future, make sure you bookmark my page instead of the individual links.) There's one extra row in the calculator now but it's another "no touchie or you'll get mathfail" row so it doesn't affect the instructions. Sorry about that.

Hey, look, I found a work ethic.

I don't have any substantial updates right now (although I did add a few more shiny Pokémon to the sparklies page and the two pointless ASB team pages), but I'm just popping in to let my three visitors know that I've been doing some serious article-writing work. No, really! The Battle Factory page I mentioned a few updates ago is coming along pretty nicely, and I've finally figured out how I want to write that ASB reffing page so that it isn't stupid; the EV-training page should hopefully come shortly after that. I only have four days of class left before a decent-sized break, which means that I'll have more time to focus on getting things done around here. Assuming that I manage that time properly, the Factory page should be ready to roll out next week or thereabouts with the reffing and EV training pages soon to follow.

I'm so proud of myself. :O


...and so, another month later...

Actually, I uploaded those two new pictures a while ago, along with an update to the stock arena and sparklies pages and a revamp of the hideous Infernape render I had up there before. God only knows why I didn't post about it sooner, eh. Unfortunately I haven't had time to finish anything major other than that stuff–I'm currently trying to help out several different Pokémon fangames and an RPG forum, and I'm still majorly distracted by school and my own fakemon stuff–but I swear that I'm doing my best to get one of those ASB pages done as well as the EV training page and one last update to the failblog (covering Darkrai and Shaymin, as that's about all that I can do that everyone else in America hasn't already seen for themselves in English) and figure out how I want to redo that blasted artwork page. I've also had a few new layout ideas bouncing around in my head, so I might be able to get something done there.

I'm trying, really I am, but I'm only a goldfish human. Curse my attention span.

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All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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