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On a roll

Back so soon, Phoenix?

Just two quick updates today. I finally got off my butt and finished that Riolu render that's been sitting on my hard drive for weeks. I also added a page to the menu under Main. Simple, and more for my benefit than anyone else's, but you can consider it a bit of a teaser if you like (and something to point at when you yell at me for taking forever to do something).

Now that I only have one day of school left in the quarter (!), I should have time to finish that guide revamp as well as start on some other stuff on that list. The operative word in that sentence being "should", but I will try!

More art + EDIT: More renders

EDIT: Decided to go ahead and finish one of those renders. dcNET gets its first taste of the fifth generation with a new Wargle render, whoohoo! Pretty bird. And seeing as Wargle is currently my favorite fifth-gen Pokémon, you might be seeing a bit more of it around here sometime soon...


As promised, I uploaded some of the sketches I made for that meme-thing (specifically Mightyena, Giratina, Torchic and Rampardos). I'm debating whether or not I want to upload the rest, because they're really, really bad and stupid and don't need to be displayed on their own. On the other hand, though, Morty *is* awesome and those note-playing secret base mats need more love... hmm. I'll sleep on it.

Fanart shenanigans

Sorry for the update drought there. School started and managed to do terrible things to me even though I only have class two days a week this quarter. At least there're only a few weeks left, bah.

Anyway. Yesterday I filled out an art meme about favorite things in Pokémon games, and I uploaded it to the fanart gallery. It's there, and you can view it, but... well, something seems to have gone horribly wrong with the gallery software. It's displaying all of the thumbnails vertically, and the lightbox script seems to have borked out completely (so you can't see the description that goes with the new image, for example). I didn't do anything to fiddle with them recently, so I have no idea what happened. The gallery and a few other things around here are due for some maintenance/updating, however, so hopefully that will fix it. I'll probably upload at least a few of the images used to fill in the meme after said fixing. (Assuming I can fix it. Because, you know, I don't know what's going on.)

I should also have two or three new free renders sometime soon. Hopefully. More substantial updates should come with the break in a little while.

EDIT: Yup, a quick update fixed everything. Business as usual on the gallery front. Sorry if it was borked for a while before I noticed.

Moar pikchers + Sibling site

A small update, but a spiffy one. (And one that comes only a day after the last... has that ever happened before? Two days, maybe, but... whoa.)

Infrequent updates aside, let's get down to business. There's another picture in the requests/gifts section of the gallery, a Blaziken drawn as a prize for the contest I held on dA at the end of last year. dcNET also has its first sibling site–a position I'd never really considered but am more than happy to accept–in is a small site but is full of unbridled, unadulterated awesome. This comes primarily in the form of the fanfic Anima Ex Machina, which you should probably check out, but Jax is an all-around great writer and awesome person and everything else up there reflects that as well. Go on, what are you waiting for?

Oh, and don't forget Hiram Farm! :)


I can meet them! No, really, I can! Sometimes!

I said I'd get the written version of the ref scale up on the site before my break ends this Tuesday. Lo and behold, I did! If you've been using my calculator then you should read it over–it'll give you a better understanding of why the calc works the way it does and what's going on, which will come in handy when explaining things to the head ref, making calls about tricky moves, and figuring out how to come up with your own rubric should you so desire. Go, go, click, click! (Maybe next I can fix that horrible ASB for beginners page. Ugh.)

Fear not, non-ASB-nerds: I bring something for you, too! There are three new renders up on the free goodies page (Pikachu, Marill and a new-and-improved Lucario), all of which are of vastly superior quality when compared to the old stuff up there. God only knows why I haven't axed said old stuff, but I guess maybe I'm laboring under the impression that someone out there prefers crappy attempts at cel shading to halfway decent art. Must be somebody like that somewhere, right? Right?

The Pepsi Refresh project is still going on, by the way, and Hiram Farm could still use your help! See the previous update for more info on how you can give them a hand.

Speaking of reminders, remember that I will be taking DexGenesis offline completely at the end of next week. If there's something you want to recover, I suggest you do so now before it's all lost to the sands of time. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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Pokémon and all related properties are © Nintendo, Game Freak et al. This website may also feature content relating to other franchises and properties (e.g. the "Tales of" series, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, etc.); those properties are also © their respective owners. The Altered Origin website is the work of a fan. I do not claim ownership of or rights to any of these properties.

All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

Sibling Site

The Cave of Dragonflies


Nose Club!Lycanroc.Net Pokemon Trainer PokéPrint