Give in to a sudden, inexplicable but irresistible urge to make Pokémon-themed/powered superheroes.

A lot of superheroes.

Like, an entire Marvel/DC Universe full of Pokémon superheroes. And a Marvel/DC to publish all of the comic books and make action figures and stuff.

I have a massive list of "this pokémon would be even remotely mildly interesting to make a hero/villain/superpower/gadget/alien race/sgoibohsg out of", and another one of interesting pokémon attack names to use, and piles of basic origin stories and stupid gimmicks. I even have a list of imprints that "ExtremeSpeed Comics" uses to publish different kinds of stories.

Only a few actual characters vaguely defined in my head at the moment; they haven't been there long enough to be much more than generic-sounding hero/villain ideas, and I don't have any heroes matched up with any specific rogues' galleries or whatever, but they are still starting to grow on me and are begging me to do... something with them while I come up with even more ideas for other characters on the side. I just spent the last I-don't-even-know trying (and mostly failing buuut) to doodle costumes for "Teravolt" and "Turboblaze" and trying to think of interesting and over-the-top ways for them to be involved with a fictional version of Team Plasma, and before that it was setting up the evil associates of Fat Cat, the cliché overweight skajillionaire creepy ailurophile guy, and his cadre of glameow-themed hookers with guns and black belts in every martial art ever.

...and deciding that one of those associates, in spite of hating Fat Cat's ample guts in canon, is often shipped with him in what is probably the most popular ExtremeSpeed character pairing ever. What the hell are you doing, brain, why is this a thing you are even thinking about and why does it amuse you so. I guess it's because Nekomata would be furious if he knew legions of fangirls wrote terrible slash about him and his employer, and I do so enjoy making my characters furious. But still. WTF, brain. (Please quit while you're ahead and don't get into the actual Nekomata/Fat Cat slash itself.)

I don't know what I want to actually do with all of this stuff; actual comics are out of the question because I am the least consistent artist ever, but aside from that... I'm not sure! Right now I'm just having fun with the designing and worldbuilding, and also silly references to superhero tropes and stuff. Maybe some fanfics, maybe some interactive fanfiction, useful way to practice drawing humans if nothing else... could be anything, really, but it's early days yet and right now I'm still in "make heroes/villains/etc. out of ALL THE POKÉMON" mode right now so it's hard to think too far ahead.

tl;dr, this sort of thing is why I will never get anything useful done ever again. The best part is how I'm not even a huge comic book/superhero fan, so I don't even know where this sudden need is coming from. :/ Stop being so goddamn interesting, Teravolt and Turboblaze and Fat Cat and Nekomata and Lucky Kitty and all of you. Stop it immediately and get out of my head. (Did I mention you're interfering with my ability to get actual work done on my big bang fic?)