Now for the fun part: the annual self-deprecating whining and valiant but likely vain efforts to have less to whine about by the end of this year!
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Now for the fun part: the annual self-deprecating whining and valiant but likely vain efforts to have less to whine about by the end of this year!
*gasp* Writing? Writing pieces that are greater than 100 words in length, even? Witchcraft!
Against all odds I did manage to write a few scenes and snippets of some potential/very early WIP fanfics, and because they're (hopefully) not too bad I thought I'd put them up here. Knock some of the dust off the site, as it were. I've settled for calling them both "ficbits" for now even though one of them is an entire scene unto itself (and will probably be relabeled a one-shot should I decide against going all the way with the full story).
The first excerpt (the full scene) is from a possible shortish chapterfic tentatively titled The Best at Second-Best, which is looking like some kind of journeyfic-esque character study of Blue/the FRLG rival. The second is from a one-shot of currently unknown length that is going to be called something like Storm the Tower. I actually don't want to talk much about the latter for reasons, but I like this part and figured I'd post it anyway.
(EDIT: The first "ficbit" has since been relabled a full one-shot and has been moved to its own page in the fanfiction section. You can now read it here.)
Of course, the simple fact that I've even mentioned my fic projects in a publicly visible space has probably just jinxed them square into the "nope never gonna go anywhere" pile, but ah, well. At least it's something. Writing practice is writing practice, and I'll take what I can get.
It's silly fandom resolution time again! Last year was... kind of hilariously bad! In the interest of not wanting to be as ashamed of myself come this time 2014, I'm going to keep things a little simpler this go-around. As such, I resolve to...
Well, lookie here! It seems to be resolution time again! Last year was a pretty spectacular failure in this department—I think all I managed to do satisfactorily was finish all of the artwork and data for New Logora's regional pokédex, and maybe updates to Altered Origin weren't as sporadic as they have been in some years?—but that won't stop me from trying again!
So! New list for 2012! It's got some of last year's resolutions and a few new ones as well, so read on under the cut if you're at all curious as to what I'll be beating myself up over this year.
As stated last week, this post explains all about why I'm posting these and why half of them will forever remain ficbits instead of becoming finished stories, so rather than repeat myself you can just go look at the beginning of that. (And read the juicy ficbits it contains if you haven't already! Don't forget to look at the rest of the recent ficbit posts while you're at it!)