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Gallery mildly borked again

No, still not done with the promised page yet. :( I'm trying!

I was fiddling around with the galleries on the fanart page in preparation for something else I wanted to do; the resultant fiddling has apparently deleted all of the titles and other information about all of those images (dates, comments, sort order, etc.). I guess I should've anticipated that and at least c/p'd some stuff, but I didn't! Oh, well! I'm going to have to try and remember all the crap I wrote and put everything back the way it was from scratch. The pictures themselves are still there, so don't worry about that; they're just missing their titles and all other pertinent/interesting/blah information, and they're not in the neat semi-chronological order they were in before. I apologize if this has inconvenienced you–though it's probably a bigger inconvenience to me than it is to anyone else–and will fix it as best I can as soon as possible.

(There's also the minor problem that I bet this fiddling broke the links to some of my images elsewhere–my sporadically updated art threads on a few forums, for example. Oops. I guess I'd better go fix those at some point, too. The recent ones, anyway.)

There will probably be a SUPER SPECIAL SECRET TOTALLY NOT PREDICTABLE SURPRISE starting later in the month, though, so there's that!

I blame Black and White

Erk, only a few days before my break ends and I've only just started the ASB guide. Whoops. See the title for the explanation. Damn fancy shiny new game news distracting me from everything, feh. I'm still going to try and have it done as soon as possible, of course, as I do have the old guide and several other things I've written as a decent baseline. Now that I have a few other obligations cleared up I should be able to get some work done.

Also re: title, there might be something else on the horizon (I bet you can't guess what it might be, because I'm totally not predictable like that). I still haven't actually committed to doing it yet, and if I do I still have a few decisions to make as to how I'm going to present it, but... yeah. There's also that. :p

Next update will come in a day or two and will contain moar ASB nonesense! Maybe! I hope!

On a roll

Back so soon, Phoenix?

Just two quick updates today. I finally got off my butt and finished that Riolu render that's been sitting on my hard drive for weeks. I also added a page to the menu under Main. Simple, and more for my benefit than anyone else's, but you can consider it a bit of a teaser if you like (and something to point at when you yell at me for taking forever to do something).

Now that I only have one day of school left in the quarter (!), I should have time to finish that guide revamp as well as start on some other stuff on that list. The operative word in that sentence being "should", but I will try!

New affiliate! + EDIT: New layout + styleswitcher

EDIT: Still not 2 AM! But it might as well be, because the only possible explanation for the sudden disappearance of the Sceptile layout is that I am exhausted out of my mind and therefore hallucinating!

...or it could be that I made a new layout and got a styleswitcher, but that's nowhere near as interesting as hallucinations!

Anyway, yes! New layout, based on that picture of Lugia and Jolteon I drew and mentioned back in April (and not February as my memory continues to insist)! The structure of the pages is... well, exactly the same, but I figured it was high time for a lighter color scheme and this was the quickest way to get something semi-cool-looking. I do intend to drum up some new layouts that actually have new layouts before the end of the year, but those'll have to wait a bit.

If you miss Sceptile, though, he's still around! A new section has been added to the menu; just click the "Leaf Storm" link under Styleswitcher and everything will go back to the same soothing, sexy dark green you've come to know and love. I've wanted to bring the styleswitcher back for a while now, but the CMS is finicky when it comes to that sort of thing and I couldn't find a working solution until today. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it around!

While making the Storm at Sea layout I also took a minute to tweak bits of Leaf Storm. Namely, the subpages of sections like Fanfiction and Misc. Writing should not be so horribly spaced out in the menu there. That had been on my nerves for a while but I was too lazy to fix it until now. All better. Oh, and I reduced the number of news items shown per page to 5. No reason for the front page to be that damn long.

If you experience any problems with either layout or with the styleswitcher, contact me and give me a heads-up. I'll do what I can to sort it out.


Is it 2 AM yet? No? Oh, well, I'll post anyway.

Brief update to announce that dcNET is now affiliated with! Don't let the name fool you–this neat little (but quickly growing) site's content is primarily Pokémon-based. Of particular interest are their sections on the popular adoptable site GPX+; I'm not a huge fan of that sort of thing myself, but for those of you who are their GPX+ EggDex and other comprehensive resources should be a real boon. They also have forums, an oekaki, interesting guides... give them a visit!

Since that "setting deadlines" thing worked so well for the ref scale (what a concept!), I think I'll just go ahead and set myself another one for fixing that bloody awful ASB for Beginners page: October 4th. That's when my next school quarter starts, and I'd like to get some crap actually done around here before I get bogged down again. Hold me to it, please! (I'd like to get a few more things ready by the 4th, but I am a pathetic panda and probably shouldn't try to do too much at once. Baby steps, Phoenix, baby steps.)

More art + EDIT: More renders

EDIT: Decided to go ahead and finish one of those renders. dcNET gets its first taste of the fifth generation with a new Wargle render, whoohoo! Pretty bird. And seeing as Wargle is currently my favorite fifth-gen Pokémon, you might be seeing a bit more of it around here sometime soon...


As promised, I uploaded some of the sketches I made for that meme-thing (specifically Mightyena, Giratina, Torchic and Rampardos). I'm debating whether or not I want to upload the rest, because they're really, really bad and stupid and don't need to be displayed on their own. On the other hand, though, Morty *is* awesome and those note-playing secret base mats need more love... hmm. I'll sleep on it.

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Header texture from Celestial Star.

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