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A few small changes

A quick update to mention two things:

  • There was another backend software change, hahaha whoops. This should not have affected very much on your end, but a few tiny things may be different here and there, and there are still a few hopefully-unnoticeable bumps that need smoothing out. If anything's broken or weird, let me know.
  • Comments have been entirely disabled again for now, as almost nobody was using them and they're honestly more trouble than they're worth. If something comes up in the future that makes adding that feature back a worthwhile idea I'll consider it at that time. For now, if you need to reach me, you can use any of the methods on the contact page.

Since the traditional resolution post didn't go up on January 1st, I'll be posting it tomorrow instead, along with a few new drabbles. See you then!

Welcome to Altered Origin 4.0

...Is it 4.0? I'm pretty sure I've platform-hopped about three times since good ol' dcNET first hit the web, so yeah, 4.0. 3.0? But if I'm counting from dcNET and two of the platform-hops were under the old name, wouldn't that mean this is Altered Origin 2.0? Uh. Whatever!

Welcome to the new site! As I've mentioned before, this latest reincarnation was generally just to make things easier to manage and a little leaner and meaner. Out with the WordPress backend, in with a nice little static site generator. I'm sure that means nothing to most of you, so instead of continuing to talk about how nerds run their websites, let's have a quick tour of what's changed around here!

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Changes coming soon

I've been making headway on that site revamp, and since I'm pretty close to done I figured it was high time to make the announcement official. I'm hoping to make the switch sometime in the next few days—maybe even as soon as tomorrow (Wednesday the 30th). Given that I'm actually transitioning the site to a less complicated system there shouldn't be any major hiccups, but I apologize in advance if there are any difficulties during the update. You may also need to clear your browser's cache once it's done for everything to display properly.

A few things will be different around here once the dust settles:

  • There'll be a new visual style, and the styleswitcher will be going away for now. I may bring it back in the future—if nothing else I like the idea of having both light and dark styles, since god knows I appreciate it when my jacked-up old eyes can view a site with a darker color scheme and maybe there are people who really, really need light backgrounds—but it's not a priority right now.
  • The site's content should be largely the same (I am going to be removing a few old images and things), but the menu will be rearranged and some URLs may be different. There should be redirects for most things, but do let me know if any recent links—I don't care about links in ancient blog posts, mind, since a bunch of those have been broken for years anyway—are not working for you.
  • Comments will not be back immediately. I do intend to try adding Disqus comments to the site and see how those play out, but I'm really hoping to have the meat of this done by the end of this week and I don't know how long it'll take me to get the settings right. If they're not live right when the switch happens, I hope to have them working sometime in April.
  • New stuff! There'll be a few more drabbles, at least, and I'm hoping that this upcoming April will give me a chance to dust off the actual "blog" on this site. Maybe it'll dust off a bit more than that...

I'll have more details about what's different, what's gone and what's new after the switch is complete. Hang tight, and thanks in advance for your patience. See you on the other side!

Happy Pokémon Day!

...hey, it's still the 27th in a few islands out there in the Pacific, so I am totally not late! I did a few things to celebrate the 20th anniversary and the days leading up to it, and I thought I'd post them here as well! There are several new pictures in the fanart gallery, and there's also *gasp* a new fanfic! Said fic may still get a few tweaks here and there in a little while—I'm rushing to post it while it's still the 27th somewhere out there, so it hasn't gotten quite as much proofreading as it probably needs. Still, hopefully it makes for a nice anniversary read!

I should also point out a few housekeeping things: first of all, comments have been turned off for now. Not too many people were using them... aside from a ton of spammers, and I was getting a little tired of having to clean up behind them. I'm not quite sure when they'll be returning; we'll have to see.

Part of the reason I'm not sure when they'll be returning is because I'm getting closer to the completion of the latest site revamp, which will change a lot of backend structure and thus force me to use a different commenting solution anyway should I decide to bring them back. Since I'm so close to getting the new thing set up, I'm not planning on updating much until it's ready (I only bothered today since it is a holiday, after all). Another announcement will go up when the actual switch approaches.

I hope you enjoyed Pokémon Day in whatever ways you chose to celebrate it! I'll probably still be around and kicking as long as Pokémon has inspiration to share, so who knows? Perhaps I'll have a little something-something to do for the series' next major anniversary, too. :)

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Pokémon and all related properties are © Nintendo, Game Freak et al. This website may also feature content relating to other franchises and properties (e.g. the "Tales of" series, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, etc.); those properties are also © their respective owners. The Altered Origin website is the work of a fan. I do not claim ownership of or rights to any of these properties.

All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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The Cave of Dragonflies


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