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First 649 mini updates of 2013

Happy new year, everybody!

Got a few new drabbles for 649 mini, first off. Not as many as I'd have liked—so far I haven't been very good with my "write every day" commitment, oops—but there are still six more to look at. I've added two for Charmander and Beedrill here, one for Absol here, and...

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My website is this many! *holds up five fingers*

EDIT2: There we go! Everything seems to be working now. The styleswitcher is located in the footer for the time being, as I said—I'll find a more prominent position for it later—at the end of the menu and you now have both the Giratina style and a new Blaziken style to choose from. (Okay, not that new; it does borrow a little bit from a much older style from waaaaay back when.)

As always, let me know if something seems broken or mismatched. These styles will both look and behave their best in most modern browsers, though they should at least be functional in older ones. In particular I know there was an issue with Internet Explorer 7 and 8; I'm almost 100% sure I fixed it, but if I didn't (and if you really, really, honestly can't use any other better browser at all) then let me know how it's broken and I'll see what I can do about it.


EDIT: So I thought I'd fixed the layout and styleswitcher issues and so went ahead and set up the new layouts... only for the styleswitcher to stop working all over again. (The links are currently at the bottom of the page until I can figure out a better place to put them, although at the moment they don't do anything.) It's late now, though, so for the time being I'm just going to have to leave the site as it is. Enjoy the new (and long, long overdue considering the site's name) Giratina layout for now, and I'll see about fixing the styleswitcher at a reasonable hour so you can use the new version of the Blaziken layout instead if you want. Ugh.


It's that time of year again, when AO's birthday comes immediately after NaNo or some other similarly large endeavor and I have to scramble to scrape together something presentable for the occasion! I wasn't able to scrape together quite as much as I would've liked—namely, I was at least hoping I'd be able to finish the webcomic rec list—but while this does feel a tad underwhelming for a fifth birthday I do have a few presents and announcements! More than last year, anyway, and a lot more than the first two years where I forgot AO's birthday was a thing!

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A busy month ahead

I finally finished the fanfiction rec list I mentioned a few updates ago; I meant to have it ready earlier in the month, but at least I posted it before November really got going. I feel like the two people who commented saying they were interested in rec lists will already have seen most of these, at least within the fandoms they're interested in, but hopefully the rest of you will find something new to read! For future reference, you can find this and any other rec lists on the Misc. Writings page, though I'll probably make a quick note of it in the updates anyway if I add more to it.

(I am a little bummed about not being able to include one of my other favorite Pokémon fics on the list since the author appears to have taken it down from FFN and I haven't attempted to see if it still exists on any forums yet. If you happen to come across Mentor by Dagzar anywhere, though, and don't mind that it apparently won't be finished, give it a look!)

The webcomic rec list honestly should've been done well before that one, especially since I had most of my comments written down and just needed to clean them up, but apparently it's harder to do that than I'd thought it would be. It should hopefully show up soon.

That "soon" should be read as "sometime in early December", by the way, because after taking a break last year I'm going to be participating in NaNoWriMo again. Updates will be scarce to non-existent, yadda yadda yadda that doesn't mean a whole lot seeing as they've been scarce all year. :/ But since I'm writing a fanfic (again sob sob why are my original ideas never ready), it is something that can be posted to AO when it's a bit more polished... and as my primary NaNo plan is to write a bunch of mostly-standalone short stories that still add up to one larger story, I feel as though I'm more likely to have stuff that's ready to post instead of a monolithic thing full of monolithic plot holes that collects dust on my hard drive like At Liberty, Incarnadine Harvest and Oh, How the Mighty Have Fallen. The caveat is that, like the aforementioned Incarnadine Harvest, this year's story is not a Pokémon fic (unless I do in fact change my mind over the next few days, which is ill-advised but not entirely implausible) and so will likely not be of interest to the majority of my usual visitors. Still, I know there are at least some people who might enjoy it if I post it here in addition to the more general fic venues, and dammit I need to be doing something on the actually-write-crap-and-actually-post-it front. (In more Pokémony news, though, I do have other plans for some writing that is a bit more relevant to most of your interests. More on that in another update, though.)

For now, anyway, I am definitely working with this Golden Sun fanfic. I'm already 800+ words in as of 12:30 AM (after which I stopped to finish up the rec list and this update), and will get to the other half of my day's wordcount after some sleep and some work. I just hope that leaves me enough time to either feel more confident about what I want to do with the GS fic or else make just enough headway on one of my other ideas to start that instead and not fall too far behind.

Oh! One other thing before I go: I finally updated My Oshawott Never Smiles and fixed the issues that had been pointed out to me. (Hopefully fixed, anyway.) Negrek I am so sorry and I swear that next time you leave concrit on a fic I will not take almost two years to act on it :(

Good grief at this point it's probably safe to say that the LP thing isn't happening. Sorry; I kinda lost interest in it on top of being busy. Maybe some other time.

I'm sure you're all tired of the apologizing and excuses in general, but the last few months of classes really did take a toll on me. Thankfully I'm now finished with school for good, and while I do still have to dedicate at least some of my time to the Big Project, and I now have to look for work as well, I will not be weighed down by soul-crushing homework ever again. Ideally, at least some of this no-homework will translate into more stuff for AO. I would really like to get started on that new layout, for one, especially since working on that sort of thing is directly relevant to what I may end up doing for a job.

As for things I can definitely show you now, I do have a new piece of artwork in the fanart gallery. That there Keldeo was part of a creative exercise prompt thing I'm doing at The BBS, Studio-Revolution's forums (S-R being one of my sibling sites, in case you've forgotten—now might be a good time to join over there, there's some pretty fun stuff going on for the board's birthday!). While my sore tableting hand might prevent me from answering any more prompts with artwork, I'm planning on writing a few drabbles and other works of really short (or maybe longer? we'll see) fiction during the festivities. I already have one done, in fact, but because it's so short I think I'll wait until the end of the week, see how many more I can churn out, and post them all at once. So there is at least one more thing you guys can look forward to soonish!

While I drum up those drabbles and consider what else I might be able to post about (I do have a few ideas relating to some plotbunnies, but elaborating on my plotbunnies tends to doom them to never being written...), I have a brief question for you: what would you guys say to some recommendation lists? I already have one written for some webcomics I enjoy, but I'm not entirely sure you guys would find that relevant enough; I'd probably just relegate that to a blog post, if anyone's interested in it at all. I'm also doing what I can to get back into reading fanfics regularly, and while I'm not currently following a ton that I'm madly in love with, I'd expect my list of rec-worthy stuff to grow—and since that's a little more directly fandom-related, I'd expect there to be a bit more interest in it.

Thoughts? Opinions? A hearty kick in the shorts for taking so long to come crawling back here?

Apologies for the delay…

...but the good news is that, although it may have taken nearly two months (;-; bad paaaaarent), I have finally decided on a game to play through and and what is hopefully an entertaining spin to put on it. Thanks for the suggestions! As for what the game and the spin are, well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?

It'll still be a little while before I get started properly, but I do have a few quick additions to make up for it and so the site doesn't go even longer with no new content whatsoever. For the most part this means two new pieces of general Pokémon artwork, both of which were intended as experiments with my tablet and a new art program but which turned out looking pretty snazzy for practice stuff, if I do say so myself. It's not quite as interesting as new art, but I will also mention that I added another fifth-gen sparkly to the sparklies page, and that I've also finally found a way to "clone" in fifth-gen games (no, not via the GTS or anything, I just have a way to make backup copies of my save files). So if you've had your eye on that shiny Tepig, or if you're interested in my new shiny Rayquaza, I now have a way to get 'em to you.

I have one more day of class, one more final project and a few other things to get out of the way, and there is still the Big Project, but I'm hoping to have the last few plans for the new gameplay blog fleshed out in the next week or so, and started soon afterward. Keep an eye out for it!

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Header texture from Celestial Star.

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