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the cutest bunny

Bugsy tells some of the other gym leaders that he still believes in Santa Claus.

He also tells them, more specifically, that he believes that Wattson is said Santa Claus.

He may or may not be incorrect about this.

needs more in the way of actual plot but WRITE IT Y/Y other news, in case you haven't noticed, I have a Tumblr now. I still think WordPress is superior when it comes to longer stuff like the beautiful and intelligent specimen above, so it's not a replacement or anything; it will probably contain more art (or fakemon)-related stuff that is slightly less substantial and more frequently updated.

This is the part where I start stealing memes

The part you've all been waiting for, I'm sure. I do have another post still in the draft stages that is sort of like an expansion of this only not really (and which I would, ftr, be okay with other people stealing even though it's not supposed to be a meme), but it's taking a while to write and I've seen people doing this and it looks halfway interesting so.

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.

Upon request, I will post a random line or two from any of these you choose. Assuming that the file adds up to a full line, that is.

My in-progress stuff is kind of all over everywhere, sort of haphazardly organized by file type, so uh I'mma just go dive through a whole bunch of folders until I find stuff that a) is not just a tangle of notes and b) is not absolutely mortifyingly bad. (Assuming anything has even gotten far enough to be mortifyingly bad.) Some of these are old and will probably never be touched again, but I guess I'll shove 'em in here anyway.

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where do i shot fanfic

(I was originally going to wait a little longer to post this, but I haven't yet had time to write the other stuff I wanted to. Ah, well. I'll probably add a list of posts I'd like to keep prominent to the menu or something, as I don't want this to get completely buried until I've given it a fair chance for suggestions.)

This year I am going to make a concerted effort to actually write moar fic, rather than come up with five million and three god tier ideas and wallow in self-pity when I am unable to type more than a few sentences without feeling like a hack. Should I actually manage to accomplish this Herculean feat, I'm gonna need a few venues to spam up with said moar fic. I'm pretty out of touch with the fanfiction community, though, so I don't really know where the best places to start posting are, which places have a reputation for more intelligent critique, which places tend to favor certain genres or styles over others, etc.. Sure, I know of plenty of places that allow the posting of fanfic, but I have no idea which ones are really worth my time (though I may bite the bullet and take a gamble with a few others anyway). Aaaand I was kinda hoping you guys would be able to point me in the right direction. :P

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December 3rd

If you've kept an eye on my past few news posts, or perhaps taken a casual stroll over to the to-do list, you might have noticed that the date "December 3rd" has been popping up a lot; no further explanation has been given, however. So what exactly is so special about December 3rd? Why did I make that a deadline for all these site updates, and why was I rushing to get it all done at the last minute thanks to NaNoWriMo and school eating up the entirety of my November?

Why, it's dcNET's third birthday, that's why! Hooray, confetti, song and dance, et cetera!

"What's that?" you ask? "Since when? What ever happened to birthdays one and two?" Well, actually, it's a funny story...

...okay, no it isn't. The truth is, I completely forgot when the site's birthday was. (I'm sorry, baby, I'm a terrible person... you know I love you, though, right? D: ) I only checked this stuff on a whim a few months ago; at first I actually thought that it was October 4th, which is when I purchased the webspace and a domain name. Turns out that that domain name was actually a different one, though, one I eventually plan to use for non-fandom, original stuff. dcNET's domain name was purchased in late November/early December—not quite clear on the exact date—and as far as searching through my old website files can tell me, dcNET itself went live on the internet for the first time on December 3rd, 2007. I felt bad for completely forgetting about it for two years, so I decided that I'd start celebrating it this year. And there you go! Birthdaytiem.

The following updates would have appeared sooner in the day, by the way, but I was still rushing to finish some of them and then my mom took the family out to see Cirque du Soleil in the middle of the afternoon. It was a great show and all, and I really enjoyed it, but way to cut into my website's birthdaytiem, Mom. >|

BUT it is not yet 12:00AM where I am, so there is still time! Let the updates begin!

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It’s November again…

...and that means that I'll be diving head first into National Novel Writing Month in an attempt to actually get some serious writing done (since apparently I can never write any fiction unless it's for a) NaNo or b) a grade). As such, you probably won't see me around much this month. Once again, though, the story I'm going to be writing should be suitable for dcNET when I'm done editing it... and editing Incarnadine Harvest from last year... and At Liberty from the year before... and I should probably stop now. I'm depressing myself. (But I am going to try really hard to finish those up one of these days! Really!)

Unfortunately I was unable to finish the ASB for Beginners revamp in time, and it's going to have to take a back seat to the NaNovel; I did make some major headway on it over the past few days, however, so with any luck it'll only take me a little while longer to finish it up once November is over. That'll be just in time for another important deadline, as you might notice if you check out the To-Do List over there. Hm. I wonder what that is, anyway?

Just so I don't leave you all in the lurch while I'm off a-noveling, I did finish creating the prize image for the Pokémon League Swap Meet Puzzle since that was something I could do quickly. If you've already solved the puzzle you'll have to enter the answer again to see it, but you should already know what that is so it shouldn't be a big deal. If you haven't solved it yet, then maybe this'll serve as some incentive to keep trying! I've gotten some positive feedback about the puzzle relatively recently, so I'm glad to hear you guys are enjoying it! (Now, I wonder if I should update the puzzle to include fifth-gen Pokémon... probably not until we get their English names, at least... hmm.)

Lastly, dcNET has another new affiliate. AobaruNet is a neat fansite with fun interactive games and interesting reviews–do yourself a favor and go give it a look!

I think that's all for now. Happy Halloween to those of you who celebrate it, wish me luck in NaNoWriMo, and I'll be back just in time for December 3rd, whatever that might be!

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All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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