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Projects and stuff

Need to post more often, man.

Anyway! Two things. First of all, I've finally updated the About page, on the off chance that you care; still have a bit of information to flesh out here and there, but it'll do for now. Second, and more importantly, I added a new page: Projects. It has a list of (most of) my current fanprojects on it. Confusing and counterintuitive, I know, but bear with me here.

Right now it really is little more than a list of titles with some cursory descriptions here and there; as I get more work done on these projects, though (this includes writing more posts about them when I get a chance), I'll be adding links and subpages and stuff to it. It would also be cool if maybe you guys could mention the stuff that looks interesting, whether that's settings or characters or the whole thing or theoretically whatever, and ask me to tell you a little bit more about it. Again, eventually I will be doing that anyway, but while I'm flailing around looking for inspiration it would be awesome if I had some... prompts, I suppose you could call them? Then maybe I'd post a profile or a character sketch or a drawing or something featuring whatever it was you were curious about, assuming it's not too spoilery (though I am making an effort to avoid drawing attention to potential spoilers in the first place... assuming the project isn't so jumbled that I don't actually know what is and isn't a spoiler at this point).

I was going to come up with a more "organized" way to go about these suggestions. Originally it involved a train station. And maybe I'll still show you a bit of that train station later, but for now I need to think a little harder about what I'm doing with this stuff and spend a bit more time with summaries and crap. In the meantime, go look at the new page and tell me what intrigues you (hard as it will be to choose given the staggering variety of subjects currently available). Or something.

Almost not busy anymore

Sorry I haven't done much recently; while this school quarter wasn't as bad as last one *shudder*, it still hit kind of hard in March and so I haven't had a lot of time for anything fun. I have a little less than two weeks off starting Wednesday, though, and in addition to catching up with some other stuff I have to do I promise (no, seriously you guys, hold me to this) that I will get the site moving forward with new stuff, with getting around to affiliation requests/trade offers, etc.. No progress on the interactive fiction The Thing I mentioned, but hopefully I'll have time to do more there, too; in the meantime, though, I'd like to get that other game thing I mentioned done.

The primary reason I'm posting today, though, aside from the quick apology, is to say that it appears as though my affiliate image buttons are sort-of-broken for absolutely no good reason. I have them all saved on my own server, I haven't changed the way I link to them, I can still see the images on the server/can see them if I go to them through the browser URL bar, I can show other images just fine... and I can see them in some of my browsers but not in others. I cannot even begin to fathom why this is (and it may in fact be something very easy to fix or only an isolated case on my end), but I don't have time to look into it seriously right now and so have just thrown some quick text links in next to the images. If you can see the images, oh well, they're going to have some text next to them for a bit; if you can't, now the links work and it doesn't look like the section is completely empty. Affiliates, I'm sorry if you happen to be experiencing whatever the hell problem I'm having and it looked like the buttons were down. I'll fix it as soon as I'm properly able to.

This is the part where I start stealing memes

The part you've all been waiting for, I'm sure. I do have another post still in the draft stages that is sort of like an expansion of this only not really (and which I would, ftr, be okay with other people stealing even though it's not supposed to be a meme), but it's taking a while to write and I've seen people doing this and it looks halfway interesting so.

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.

Upon request, I will post a random line or two from any of these you choose. Assuming that the file adds up to a full line, that is.

My in-progress stuff is kind of all over everywhere, sort of haphazardly organized by file type, so uh I'mma just go dive through a whole bunch of folders until I find stuff that a) is not just a tangle of notes and b) is not absolutely mortifyingly bad. (Assuming anything has even gotten far enough to be mortifyingly bad.) Some of these are old and will probably never be touched again, but I guess I'll shove 'em in here anyway.

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All together now

Spent the last several days fighting with stuff in an effort to consolidate the updates for all of my projects in one place, and finally managed to get it working. From now on, whenever 649, the Phoenixdex or Insubstantiality updates, you should see it here as well as any updates to AO itself. It may take a little while for the feed to refresh itself and so updates may not appear here right away, but they should show up quickly enough. The feeds for the non-AO sites are truncated so as not to take up a whole lot of space if you don't care about them (well, they're supposed to be... still need to work on getting the Phoenixdex updates to do that), and they're also prefixed with tags so you can identify which update came from where at a glance. All you need to do to see the full text of the update in question in its proper context is click on one of the title links. Full update archives for each of those can obviously be found on their respective sites.

I also added a new "Site Updates" page that holds only the updates for Altered Origin and is effectively exactly the same as the home page was before. There's a handy link to it right up at the top there so you can "filter" out just the AO-related updates if that's all you want to see. (You'll also have to use that page, or else the direct links to the individual update articles, if you want to get to the comment form. I'll work on that when I get the chance.)

There are still a few kinks to work out, predictably, but this should be perfectly functional for now and will hopefully make the other sites a little easier to keep up with than they were with just the little "last updated" bar that was at the top before. As with anything else, let me know if something suddenly breaks horribly.


Still trying to get back on top of all the stuff I've let slip. This includes the affiliation requests I've received over the past few weeks—I'm really sorry it's taking me so long to reply to those (to all of my emails in general, actually), and I'll get back to you as soon as I can get a proper look at your sites. I do have one new affiliate to mention today, though. 6th Floor is a relatively new but definitely original site that focuses primarily on collecting and sharing Pokémon creepypastas and their related material; go check 'em out. We'll see if there aren't a few more shiny buttons to stick at the bottom of the page shortly!

I uploaded a new picture to the Pokémon section of the fanart gallery a few days ago. It involves a really, really terrible pun that I suspect I should be slapped for making, but I guess it's pretty cool.

I finished that post about The Thing for Insubstantiality; it's kind of sort of really very long, but go check it out, pretty please. I really want to know if I'm the only person who thinks this would be an interesting idea. (The Phoenixdex and 649 have also been updated recently, just in case you're following those.

Aaaaand that's all I have to say for now.

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Pokémon and all related properties are © Nintendo, Game Freak et al. This website may also feature content relating to other franchises and properties (e.g. the "Tales of" series, Phoenix Wright, Fire Emblem, etc.); those properties are also © their respective owners. The Altered Origin website is the work of a fan. I do not claim ownership of or rights to any of these properties.

All other site content, unless otherwise stated, is © Phoenixsong. If you wish to use, remix, repost or share content on this website (for non-profit/non-commercial purposes only), you are generally free to do so as long as you credit Phoenixsong and/or Altered Origin as the original creator of that content. For more information about the use of Altered Origin's content, see here.

Header texture from Celestial Star.

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